Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality as Spiritualizing


Soaking - spirit & Spirit

Dec 3, 2020

Saying For Today: Though we are not the Beloved, we keep becoming That we love.

Stillness Settles Over The Land

'Stillness Settles Over The Land'

A man inquired of the Sage, "Sir, what must I do to be spiritual?" "Where," asked the Sage, "does a ray of light receive light to be a ray of light?" "From the Sun," answered the man. "So," said the Sage, "receive Spirit, and you will be spirit."

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Flesh births flesh.
Spirit births spirit.
*Gospel of John 3.6

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If one were to soak in lavender water, she would carry the fragrance of lavender on leaving. A spiritual path is a continual soaking.

The Way is a way of spiritualization; we each are transformed into an environment of Grace. We desire to be persons who communicate Grace to persons simply by their coming into our presence. At the same time, we have received the same through intimacy with Presence.

If it is cold weather outside, and I walk out, the environment will communicate that cold. I will know it is cold, not warm or hot. The environment does not have to speak "cold," it communicates it silently, for cold is what it is. One cannot separate "cold" and "environment." So, through intimacy with the Light, the Light communicates Itself through us as an environment by which It can find expression in the world. Spirit needs spirits-with-bodies to serve as conductors. - Interesting, the scripture above can read without capitalization, "spirit births spirit."

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A spiritual being is a being who is a conduit for Spirit to communicate Itself through - "communicate Itself" for that is all Spirit communicates. Then, we could say, "I, as spirit, birth spirit' and "Spirit-and-spirit births spirit."

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Through friendship with Life, we become that Life is. To deepen our union with the Beloved, we keep soaking. And this soaking implies a form of receiving, one in which we are allowing something to be given to us. We are allowing ourselves to become something we did not know we already were. Though we are not the Beloved, we keep becoming That we love.

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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2020

*Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major online booksellers or the publisher AuthorHouse. The book is a collection of poems based on mystical traditions, especially Christian and Sufi, with extensive notes on the teachings and imagery in the poetry.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality as Spiritualizing

©Brian Wilcox 2024